Thursday, December 2, 2010

Letting Go.....

This blog has become the shoulder I can cry on ...!

Well I wonder how difficult can it be to let go something you thought made your world? It can't be impossible for sure! I mean deaths happen n people still move on.. This is just a fallout afterall.. How difficult can it get!

When the universe has twisted for you! When you feel blind and scared to move ahead! When it seems like you're in a huge ground all alone with nothing/ noone for miles! When you have crazy dreams! When you have sleepless nights! When you stop wanting to go out! When everything you do seems wrong! When......
But, I'm sure it can't be impossible to fight all this!

Its so difficult for the feeling to sink in!! I can't believe what happened did happen! I wish it dint! But then I know it happened for good..

I am so lost..I wonder where did the Real me leave the current me in this journey of life... I feel I'm someone else! Where's all that arrogance, attitude, anger, dynamism, strength gone.. I wonder.. Where is that me?

I behaved like a puppet at someone else's hand.. But again, i'm to be blamed.. How could I let myself go.. How could I become what I repent to be..

I wonder what went through me to get into this and change the way I thought.. But who am I to blame.. In fact why do I even bother about the blame. Its over now and I have a new life ahead. SHouldn't I be excited to look forward to it..

I did crib that I need time and space for myself..Now that I have all of it 24 hours in a day and 2000 sqft place alone, why am I scared?? Is it human to behave like this or is it me!

Man, so many questions unanswered......

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