Monday, February 11, 2008

MindTree Mini Marathon'08!!!!!!!!!!!

“Its not about how far you can run, its how far you can push yourself…”
~ An ancient Greek Saying

It is rather odd, that with all the major modes of transport in this world, man today has converted his most primal mode of movement, walking or running, into an exercise. I for one, have always preferred to be on a two or a four wheeler, than running around for something or the other. Or rather, this preference was something that was an integral part of me, till sometime back.

The meeting on the first day, for the MindTree Mini Marathon was a revelation in itself. How difficult can it be to organize a marathon, was the thought that was running through my mind over and over again. For one, I didn’t see the reason why so many people were required to pull of something I considered so very minor. I was in for a surprise.

The MindTree Mini Marathon had practically nothing mini about it. Its mini nature was thwarted by the great deal of preparation it took to get it in place. For one, the marathon was not being run on a straight track, and hence required constant monitoring to ensure that us, otherwise hard working honest people, wouldn’t take the shorter route to victory.
My ideas took a serious beating when I realized that it would take several meetings to ensure that the event took off without any hitches or glitches. Strategies were made, plans were worked on and groups in charge of various different activities were done. Murthy, with utmost care and diligence worked out various issues and circumstances which would ensure that nothing went wrong on d-day.

Discussions often took rude turns with all of womankind at MindTree protesting about why the marathon was made shorter for them. After all, us women can do anything men can do, so why give us the easier task? A good thought taken as an insult ? I don’t know, but yes, as a woman myself, I don’t see why I shouldn’t run as much as anyone else. Interesting solutions were worked out for problems, which at moments seemed unsolvable. For example, when Tanglin Developments disallowed us from putting up posters on campus, we were in a fix about how one would show the participants the so planned track, atleast for the first time around, till someone came up with the ingenious idea of getting a bike to show the way for the first lap!

When d-day arrived we organizers made it a point to be there on campus at 6:30 and as sharp as expected, everyone one of us, was there, ready to work things out at the earliest. The marathon was a grand success, people ran their hearts out, and for a moment, I just stood there wondering whether I was lucky to be organizing this thing, or would I have been luckier running this marathon.

At the fag end of the whole thing, all the success had put the whole team on a high, but the big task remained, the wrap up was still left. We spent the rest of our time, till afternoon picking up bottles from al over the campus and restoring MindTree to its pristine self. The MMMC ( MindTree Mini Marathon Committee), which was what I prefer to call us organizers went out for a nice lunch. A job well done, a project well executed.

The appreciation we got the following day was the icing on the cake. With people like Puneet, Partha and Jagan appreciating our efforts and many a MindTree minds walking up to us and telling us what a good job we had done, what more could one want. My ideas shattered and a new one place, I now realize the importance of this run. Its more than just a way to exercise, a marathon, mini or maxi, is where we can push ourselves to achieve more than what we have in the past. I so sincerely hope, that this remains a fixture in MindTree for many years to come, to encourage people across all sections to come together and run for their lives !!


Anonymous said...

Beautifully captured pics there & yes its true with more & more vehicles in the road, more & more people are also taking into the traditional modes of transport i.e, walking & doubt marathons are becoming more & more popular...nice reading about your event!

Aditi Chauhan said...


Maria Maria said...

howz u doin

Beautiful Mind said...

So which one you would have enjoyed..organizing or participating..??

Aditi Chauhan said...

@ purplefish:
I'm doing good..
How have u been?

Aditi Chauhan said...

@ beautiful mind:
It was waesome organising it!!
Wud have enjoyed participating as well

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